Journey to Mastery: Guiding Flexibility with Learning Progressions, Pre-Assessments, and Pathways
Starting 3/12/2024 at 3:30 PM and ending on 3/12/2024 at 5:00 PM
Event Groups:
• Summit ESC - Curriculum
Learn a process that makes personalized learning reality without requiring the creation of individualized lessons for each student. Join this session to learn how to guide flexibility in the classroom through Learning Progressions, Pre-Assessments, and Pathways. Students can have flexibility over their learning path and pace when we identify a clear progression of knowledge and skills, pinpoint their positions within those learning progressions with readiness pre-assessments, meet them where they are, and identify a path towards mastery.
When & Where:  3/12/2024, 3:30-5:00 PM; Virtual Event
Cost: Free
- Objectives: Understand a process for utilizing Learning Progressions, Pre-Assessments, and Pathways to enable personalized learning within content. Develop learning progressions for a specific standard. Identify aspects of quality pre-assessments. Understand how 2-3 teacher-created learning paths can empower students to personalize their learning path with a flexible path and pace.