
Background Checks (BCI & FBI)

All school employees must have both an Ohio background check and a FBI background check at the time of initial employment and periodically thereafter according to two Ohio Legislature House Bills (HB 79 and HB 190) became law in 2007. To find out more information on requirements, please visit http://education.ohio.gov/

The Ohio Department of Education requires that both background checks (BCI and FBI) be completed through the National WebCheck electronic system, which is available here at the Summit ESC.


  • Ohio BCI - $30.00
  • FBI - $40.00
  • Both - $70.00

Payment may be made in cash (exact amount required), credit card (4.5% convenience charge will be applied) or check payable to the Summit ESC.


  • Background checks are done by appointment only. 
  • Tuesdays 9:00am - 11:00am
  • Thursdays: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
  • Please make sure you have your valid driver’s license with you at the time of your appointment.

Other sites are available for the background checks. You can verify locations by visiting the WebCheck community listing at https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/business/services-for-business/webcheck/webcheck-community-listing. Be sure to verify that the location has capability to do both the Ohio and National WebCheck transactions.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Barb Grimes at 330-945-5600, ext 511276.

Going Elsewhere?

For those having their fingerprinting done elsewhere...

Licensed educators:
Tell the agency doing the fingerprints, to complete the section on the form that asks where you want the results sent by checking Teacher Certification.

Non-licensed staff members:
Tell the agency doing the fingerprints, to complete the section on the form that asks where you want the results sent by checking Mail To Transaction and entering "Barb Grimes, Summit ESC, 420 Washington Avenue, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221."
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