
Ohio Department of Education Resources

Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics Revised 2017 Link will take you directly to the current Standards for Mathematics
Model Curriculum Model curriculum offer local educators in-depth guidance about groups or clusters of Ohio’s Learning Standards. It also explains related skills and knowledge students are to learn in each grade and course. These documents help local educators develop local curriculum, teach lessons based on Ohio’s Learning Standards and create corresponding assessments.
Assessment Resources for Mathematics Information specific to grade levels and course with State-wide Testing 
Additional Curriculum Resources for Mathematics Links to other national resources for mathematics
ODE's Mathematics website This site contains information on Ohio's Learning Standards for Mathematics. Information can be located by grade or course.

Ohio's Test Portal website

This portal is your source for information about Ohio’s State Tests in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
 If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for membership on an assessment committee, please click here to complete the nomination form and submit it online
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