
Gifted Services

Summit Education Service Center (ESC) is dedicated to enriching the educational journey of gifted students by offering specialized services that foster their unique abilities and talents. We partner with school districts to craft educational experiences that challenge and inspire our gifted learners.

Efficient Gifted Identification

Our identification services are designed to be comprehensive and efficient, acknowledging the diverse areas of giftedness recognized by Ohio law, including superior cognitive, specific academic, creative thinking, and visual or performing arts abilities.

Summit Area Gifted Educators

The Summit Area Gifted Educators (SAGE) are a network of gifted education professionals who regularly collaborate to improve gifted education in our area. We are affiliated with the Ohio Association for Gifted Children. Yearly, we provide an opportunity for assessment in the visual and performing arts. For more information, contact Chair of SAGE, Derek Hatcher.

Definition of Gifted

Gifted is defined as students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of the same age, experience, or environment.

Gifted Identification in Ohio

The State of Ohio identifies in the following areas:

  • Superior Cognitive Ability
    Score two standard deviations above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test, perform at or above the 95th percentile on a basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test, or attain an approved score on an above grade-level standardized, nationally normed test.
  • Specific Academic Ability in a Field
    Perform at or above the 95th percentile at the national level on a standardized achievement test of specific academic ability in that field. A child may be identified as gifted in more than one specific academic ability field.
  • Creative Thinking Ability
    Score one standard deviation above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Department, on a test of creative ability or a checklist of creative behavior.
  • Visual or Performing Arts Ability
    Demonstrate to a trained individual through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition, superior ability in a visual or performing arts area and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Department, on a checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area.

Tailored Gifted Services

The Summit ESC gifted education consultants work collaboratively throughout our school districts to meet the needs of our gifted students, families, and teachers.  Our goal is to provide leadership in the ongoing development of gifted services.

Services that we can provide:

  • Fulfillment of Ohio Department of Education policies including

  • Screening, assessment, and identification of gifted students

  • Parent notification of results

  • District Identification policy and service documents

  • District Self Reports

  • Selection of assessment instruments

  • Written Education Plan creation

  • Academic Acceleration

  • Professional development for teachers of gifted students

  • Gifted programming and evaluation

Ongoing Professional Development

Summit ESC provides continuous professional development opportunities, including training on the development and implementation of WEPs, differentiation strategies for gifted learners, and current best practices in gifted education.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact:
Cerafina Gotto
Cerafina Gotto
Gifted Consultant
Derek Hatcher
Derek Hatcher
Gifted Consultant
Office: 330-945-5600 x 511253
Jean Pauna
Jean Pauna
Gifted Curriculum Consultant
Office: 330-945-5600 x 511278
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