
Services Offered

Our Governing Board members and ESC employees fundamentally believe in the Mission Statement of the Summit Educational Service Center. We are committed to providing high quality, cost-effective services to the school districts in Summit County and other entities that desire our services. We are dedicated to partnering with The University of Akron; Kent State University; Stark State College; Ashland University; our Region 8 ESC partners; The ESC of the Western Reserve;  the Towpath Consortium including Medina, Portage, Stark and Tri-County ESC; and various Summit County agencies to ensure that the students in Summit County and surrounding areas are offered the best educational options. Not only are we dedicated to the districts we serve; we also respect them as valuable customers. Together we seek success for all students and work collaboratively to embrace the changes necessary to help all children and school districts.

  • Customized Services - The ESC can provide customized services, i.e., superintendent search, treasurer search, etc., upon requests of individual districts. Requests can be made through the superintendents’ office or human resources. Pricing is calculated on the needs of the district. Please contact the Office of the Superintendent for a competitive quote.
  • LPDC Online Forms Management System -The Summit ESC has developed a web-based software program which is available to districts to assist their local professional development committee (LPDC) in maintaining and tracking employee licensures and professional development. A one-time initial set up fee is charged with an annual fee each year thereafter. Pricing is calculated on the needs of the district. Please contact the Office of Business Operations for a competitive quote.
Joseph Iacano - Superintendent
Joseph Iacano
(330) 945-5600 x513910

Services by Department

Human Resources

The Human Resource department at the Summit Educational Service Center is available to provide a variety of support services to school districts:
  • Employment - the HR department will ensure that personnel requested by a district to be hired through the ESC are qualified for the position and have been properly oriented for employment. We can also provide assistance with the interviewing process, reference checking and other aspects of the employment process at the request of the districts. Please call for a competitive quote.
  • AppliTrack® is an internet-enabled software program and searchable database for the posting of job openings and through which applicants may complete on-line applications. AppliTrack® is set up as a consortium resource available to districts for an annual fee; or districts may use this service at a per-posting fee. Please call for a competitive quote.
  • AESOP® is an online sub management system available at a consortium pricing to participating districts. AESOP® records can be connected to Talented® records as one comprehensive data base.
  • Background Checks — The ESC is able to provide both Ohio and FBI background checks through the WebCheck® fingerprinting system to current and potential district personnel. Appointments may be scheduled by contacting the ESC receptionist. Current Charges for BCI Check is $30 and FBI Check is $40.
  • Human Resource Development — A highly professional and effective support staff is vital to the success of a school district. Through the Human Resource Development consulting services, workshops on topics such as creating a professional climate, effective communication skills, and working together as a team can be custom designed for district support staff (secretaries, clerical staff, custodial and maintenance staff, bus drivers, food service staff). Pricing is calculated on a per-district need. Please call for a competitive quote
Bob Wolf
Bob Wolf
Director of Human Resources
Office: 330-945-5600 x 513913

Curriculum & Instruction

The Curriculum & Instruction Department provides leadership and organization for all curriculum and professional development activities that take place with the Summit County Schools, as well as many out-of-county districts. Monthly Curriculum Directors’ meetings are held that include Region 8 partners -Medina and Portage County. The Curriculum Department has a staff consisting of highly qualified curriculum, leadership, and educational consultants; specializing in every area of curriculum offered in school districts.

Visit our Events Page for additional Professional Development Information.
  • Curriculum Alignment
  • Leadership Development
  • Value-Added Data Analysis
  • Teacher Observations & Evaluations
  • Instructional Strategies & Assessment
  • Positive & Safe Schools Coalition
  • Formative/Summative Assessments
  • Classroom Walk-through Training
  • Resource Review & Textbook Adoption Consultation
  • Course of Study Development
  • In-district Staff Development
  • Ohio Achievement Test Data Interpretation and Analysis
  • Specialized and supplemental services offered by each C&I consultant can be found on our website.
  • OIP: The Curriculum Department also has a specialized team in place to help districts with the Ohio Improvement Process.
  • Gifted Coordination - The ESC gifted consultants provide leadership in the development and improvement of gifted education by providing districts with identification & placement; acceleration & enrichment programs; teacher/parent in-service in working with gifted students and ongoing communication about gifted education. The gifted consortium holds Academic Challenge programs and competitions for high schools in Summit and the surrounding counties.
Andrea Patt
Andrea Patt
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Office: 330-945-5600 x 513922

Andrea Patt's roles include:

  • Resident Educator Coordinator

  • OTES 2.0 and OPES State Trainer

  • Regional Data Lead

  • High Quality Instructional Materials Specialist

  • OESCA Instructional Coaching Trainer

  • Social Studies Consultant 

Student Services

The following list of services provided by the Student Services Department is in no way a comprehensive list but covers general areas of service. An in-depth view of each service can be found on our website.
  • School Psychologists
  • Special Education Supervision
  • Speech/Language Pathology
  • Work-Study Coordination/Transition to Work
  • Autism/Behavior Specialists
  • Intervention Specialists
  • Paraprofessional Training
  • Multicultural Evaluations
  • Assistive Technology Consulting  
  • Child Abuse Training (complies with H.B. 150 & H.B. 19)

Student Services also acts as a liaison between the Ohio Department of Education, the Office of Exceptional Children and our school districts on all issues relative to students with disabilities. Throughout the year the Student Services Department provides staff development to educators and district leaders to comply with the Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Serving Students with Disabilities.

Visit our Events Page for additional Professional Development Information.

The following programs are tuition based, Please call for tuition costs.

  • KIDS FIRST— Located in Fairlawn, provides a comprehensive and innovative educational, therapeutic and supportive environment for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families grades K-8. KIDS FIRST is open to all students diagnosed with ASD in Summit and surrounding counties.
  • TOPS Program (Transition Opportunity Program for Students) – Located in Fairlawn, The TOPS Program uses a functional life skills approach while incorporating state curriculum standards. Additionally, students will gain independence in the TOPS Living Lab, an apartment –styled classroom located on site, in which students will learn basic life skills, daily hygiene, self-care, planning and creating meals, and housekeeping skills. Students will also explore various jobs in the school where TOPS is located; as they progress in their job development skills students will be placed, with support, in the community completing internships leading to paid positions. 
Brooke Pillets
Brooke Pillets
Director of Pupil Services
Office: 330-945-5600 x 513917


District Technology, Tech-Integration & Professional Development
The Technology Department has a staff of highly qualified technology curriculum and technology integration specialists that can work with every area of curriculum. In-District Technology, In-service Development, Implementation Training, and ongoing support are provided for Integrating Technology across the curriculum through; district-specific customized technology integration. We also provide guidance, support, and training in meeting the requirements of tech integration as required by the Revised State Standards and Common Core Curriculum.

For Educators
  • Professional Development, on-site technology integration support, and technology curriculum audits
  • Development and implantation of STEM education and programs.
  • Online/Blended Learning Planning, Staff Development, and District online course development
  • GPS/GIS Technology integration into the standards
  • Technology Workshop Planning and Implementation for Classified and Certified Staff Members
  • SMART Board, Web 2.0, Google Apps, Moodle, Microsoft Office, Classroom Blogging, and Digital Storytelling training
  • Lego Robotics - Certified Lego Trainer, training on RCX and NXT devices and Robolab and NXT-G software
  • Certified Google Education instructor. We provide support in training, curriculum development, and deployment of Google Education
  • Certified Moodle Administrator. We provide support in site setup, management, and training for educators.

We can help your district with:

  • SLO (Student Learning Objectives) Writing and Development
  • Fine Arts Course of Study Development and Standards Alignment
  • Instructional Strategies and Assessment Techniques for Fine Arts and Technology
  • LPDC Procedures and Implementation
  • iPad deployment and training including using the iPad as an Assistive Technology Tool

Specialized Services
Due to the nature of the specialty services, costs are based on the project to be completed. Please call for a competitive price quote.

  • District and School Data Training and Disaggregation of Data
  • Web Design, Updates, and Custom Programming
  • Graphic Design/Multi-Media Development
  • Audio/Video Recording and Editing
  • Development of Online Databases – our LPDC Online Form Management System and CreditFlex Student Tracking System are available for purchase.
Jeff Ferguson
Jeff Ferguson
Director of Administrative Services & Wellness Initiatives
Office: 330-945-5600 x 513918
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