Today we would like to introduce you to the President of the Summit ESC Board of Governors, Mike Chadsey.
Mike has held the position of the Chairman of the Board of Governors since 2018 and will be beginning his second four-year term this year while also serving on the Finance and Policy committees. His family shares a passion for education: his father served as a member of Stow’s Board, his mom a high school coach, his mother-in-law was a superintendent in Stark County, his sister is a teacher in Hudson, and his wife worked at the U.S. Department of Education.
“Education and the schools mean a lot to my family and this is my way of giving back. I am in communications professionally, so my goal is to help tell our amazing story to our districts and beyond through the media and social channels.”
Mike says that as the parent of a six-year-old and a three-year-old, he knows that educators are being asked to do more with less every day and that the work being done at the Summit ESC can make resources go further by sharing services and creating a platform for idea-sharing.
He recalls that when the pandemic first hit, the entire team at the Summit ESC stood up and together made it clear that we are here to serve: “[Our] ability to adapt and to show others how to adapt was simply stunning, yet not surprising. From serving as a central hub for mask distribution to guiding districts through the virtual learning word, our team figured it out and lead from the front.”
Thank you for being a proud member of Summit ESC and for your passion and dedication to education!